Sort By Material All Material Agate Akro Agate Aluminum Aluminum/Plastic Aluminum/Steel/Plastic Aluminum/Tin Aluminum/Wood Bakelit Bakelite Bakelite/Aluminum Balsa Wood Balsa Wood/Risen Bisque Bisque heads Bisque/Cloth Bisque/Composition Bisque/Composition/Cardboard Bisque/Paper Mache Bisque/Paper-mache Bisque/Tin/Cloth Bisque/Wood Bisque/Wood/Composition Bisque/Wood/Metal Brass Brass/Cast Iron Brass/Plastic Brass/Wood Bronze Cardboard Cardboard/Cloth Cardboard/Glass Cardboard/Litho Paper Cardboard/Metal/Wood Cardboard/Paper Cardboard/Paper Litho Cardboard/Tin/Plastic Cast Aluminum Cast Brass Cast Iron cast iron, die cast, pressed steel, leather Cast Iron/Brass Cast Iron/Brass/Steel Cast Iron/Cardboard Cast Iron/Celluloid Cast Iron/Glass Cast Iron/Metal/Wood Cast Iron/Nickel Cast Iron/Pressed Steel Cast Iron/Sheet Metal Cast Iron/Steel Cast Iron/Steel/Wood Cast Iron/Tin Cast Iron/Tinplate Cast Iron/Wood Cast Iron/Wood/Composition Cast Metal Cast Metal/Aluminum Cast Metal/Leather Cast Metal/Steel Cast Metal/Wood Cast Pot Metal Celluliod/tin litho Celluloid Celluloid/Cloth Celluloid/Metal Celluloid/Tin Ceramic Chalk China Cloth Cloth/Composition Cloth/Tin Composition Composition Figures Composition/Cloth Composition/Cotton Fiber Composition/Metal Composition/Metal/Wood Composition/Wood Copper Die Cast Die Cast/Aluminum Die Cast/Leather Die Cast/Plastic Die Cast/Pressed Steel Die Cast/Tin Die Cast/Wood Diecast/Plastic Epoxy Fabric Felt Fiberglass Fur Fur/Plastic Glass Glass/Metal/Paper Glass/Sulphide Gum Hard Rubber Hollow Cast Hollow Cast Lead Horn Huboid Iron Jumeau Head Latex Lead Lead/Tin Lead/Wood Lead/Wood/Papier-Mache Leather Leather Hide Leather/Metal Litho Paper lithographed paper on wood Masonite Metal Metal/ felt Metal/Brass Metal/Celluloid Metal/Cloth Metal/Composition Metal/Fur Metal/Leather Metal/Paper Metal/Plastic Metal/Resin Metal/Rubber Metal/Wood Mohair Mohair, felt, metal Molded Resin Mylar/Plastic Nickel Plated Metal Nickel-plated/Plastic oily rubber Onynx Paper Papier Mache Papier Mache/Leather Papier Mache/Wood/Clay papier-mache papier-mache/Leather Pearwood/Cloth Plaster Plastic Plastic/Cardboard Plastic/Die cast plastic/fabric Plastic/Metal Plastic/Paper Plastic/Steel Plastic/Wood Plush/Plastic Plush/Tin polychrome polyvinyl chloride (vinyl or PVC) Porcelain Pot Metal Press Steel/Wood Pressed Steel Pressed Steel/Brass Pressed Steel/Brass/Cast Iron Pressed Steel/Cast Iron Pressed Steel/Glass Pressed Steel/Plastic Pressed Steel/Tin Pressed Steel/Wood Pressed Steel/wood/Cast Iron Rainlite Ranlite Rubber Rubber/Cloth Rubber/Fur/Cloth Rubber/Plastic Rubber/Vinyl Sandstone Sheet Metal Slush Slush Cast Slush Cast/Tin Slush/Diecast Spelter Steel Steel/Brass/Wood Steel/Cast Iron Steel/Plastic/die cast metal Steel/Tin Steel/Wood Stuffed Styrofoam Sulphide Tin Tin Lith Tin Litho Tin Litho. Tin Litho., Tin litho./Steel Tin Litho/Cardboard Tin Litho/Paper Tin Litho/Plastic Tin Litho/Sheet Metal Tin litho/Vinyl Tin Litho/wood Tin/ Cloth Tin/ Fabric Tin/Aluminum Tin/Bakelit Tin/Bakelite Tin/Brass Tin/Brass/Lead Tin/Brass/Plastic Tin/cardboard Tin/Cast Iron Tin/Cast Iron/Copper Tin/Cast Iron/Fabric Tin/Cast Iron/Steel Tin/Cast Iron/Wood Tin/Celluloid Tin/Celluloid/Cloth Tin/Cloth Tin/Cloth/Felt Tin/Composition Tin/Die Cast Tin/Fabric Tin/Felt Tin/Felt/Cloth Tin/Fur Tin/Glass Tin/Leather Tin/Litho paper Tin/Nickel Tin/Paper Tin/Papier Mache Tin/Plastic Tin/Plush Tin/Press Steel Tin/Slush Cast Tin/Steel Tin/Vinyl Tin/Wood Tin/Wood/Cast Iron Tin/Wood/Porcelain Tinplate Tinplate/Copper Tinplate/Plastic Tinplate/Rubber Tinplate/Wood Vinyl Vinyl/Cloth Vinyl/Cloth/Plastic Vinyl/plush wax and color pigment White Metal Wicker/Metal Wood Wood, Cast Iron, Paper and Fabric Wood, Tin, Cloth Wood/Aluminum/Brass Wood/Bakelite Wood/Bisque Wood/Brass Wood/Canvas Wood/Cardboard Wood/Cardboard/Metal Wood/Cardboard/Tin Wood/Cast Iron Wood/Cast Iron/Paper-mache Wood/cloth Wood/Composition Wood/Fabric Wood/Fabric/China Wood/Fabric/Plastic Wood/Fabric/Tin/Lead Wood/Glass Wood/Litho paper Wood/Litho paper/Cloth Wood/Litho paper/Tin Wood/Metal Wood/Metal/Cloth Wood/Metal/Glass Wood/Metal/Plastic Wood/Metal/Rope/Paper Wood/Paper Wood/Paper Mache/Cotton/Feathers Wood/Paper/Papier-mâché/Fabric Wood/Papier-mâché/Cloth/Cast Iron Wood/Plastic wood/plastic/metal Wood/Polychrome Wood/Porcelain/Cloth Wood/Rubber Wood/Tin Wood/Tin/Fabric Toy Type All Toy Types Acrobat Airplane Ambulance Amusement Park Animal Animation Ark Atomic Reactor Automaton Baby Carriage Badge Balance Toy Ball Bank Bank Banks Bathroom Batman Battery Battery Operated Bear Bell Toy Bell Toys Bicycle Bird Biscuit Tin Blimp Blocks Board game Boat Boat Bobblehead Bug Building Building blocks Building set Bus Button Cab Camera Candy Container Cannon Canoe Cap Bomb Cap Gun Car Carousel Carriage Cart Cash Register Cast Figures Character Chariot Chemistry Set Chest Christmas Circus Clock Cloths Washer Clown Comic Character Construction Construction Set Costume Crane Crayon Cycle Cyclist Dexterity Game Diorama Disney Dispenser Doll Doll Carriage Doll House Dolls Duck Easter Educational Elephant Engine Equipment Erector Erector Set Farm Equipment Felix Ferris Wheel Figure Fire Flashlight Flintstone Floor Train Furnace Furniture Game Gas Gas Pump Gas Truck Gig Go-Around Godzilla Gravity Toy Gun Gun/holster Gymnastic Gyroscope Halloween Hand Car Hand Cart Hat Heater Helicopter Hillclimber Holster Horse drawn Horse Man Hot Rod Hula Hoop Ice Cream Truck Irish Mail Jack in the box Jacks Jeep Kaleidascope Kaleidoscope Kit Kitchen Kite Knife Lamp Lantern Lead Figure Little Orphan Annie Loader Loom Lumber Hauler Lunch Box Lunchbox Machine Shop Magic Marble Marionette Meyer Mickey Mouse Military Misc. Model Mold Monkey Monorail Mortorcycle Motor Motorcycle Motorcyle Music Box Musical Instruments Musical toys Nodder Noise maker Optical Outboard Outboard Motor Outboards Motor Panorama Pedal Car Pedal Toy Pedal Tractor Penny Toy Pez Phonograph Photo Viewer Pickup Pin Ball Pin Up Pinocchio Play Set Playset Pogo Stick Pool Player Pop-up Popeye Premium Printing Press Promotion Pull Toy Puppet Push Toy Push Up Puzzle Race Set Racer Radio Railplane Record Player Ride On Ring Road Equipment Road Signs Robot Rocker Rocking Horse Roly Poly Salesman Sample Sand Pail Sand Sifter Sand toy Scooter Seesaw Service Station Sewing Machine Ship Shooting Gallery Shooting Game Skates Skier Sled Sleigh Soldier Soldier lead Souvenir Space Sparkler Squeak Toy Squeeze Toy Stage Coach Steam Accessory Steam Engine Steam Shovel Stove Street Car Stuffed Animal Submarine Superball Superman Tank Target Set Tea Set Telephone Telescope Theater Theatre Tinker Toys Tools Top Tow Truck Tractor Trailer Train Transformer Tricycle Trike Trolley Truck TV Typewriter Van Velocipede Wagon Walker Washing Machine Watch Watering Can Western Wheelbarrow Whirlygig Whistle Windmill Windup Woodburner Set Wrecker Yard Tools Yard Toy Yo-Yo All Manufacturers 21st Century Toys A G Spalding & Brothers A. B. Leech A. Barrett & Sons A. C. Gilbert A. C. Rehberger A. C. Williams A. E. Rittenhouse A. R. Toys A.C.T. Inc. A.P.B.A. Game Co. A.S.C. A&A American Metal A&W Products A1 Aaron Hess Abbott & Noble ABC Abendroth Bros. ABT Ace Acme Acme Road Machinery Acme Ruler & Advertising Co. Actoy Adams Adams Pickover & Co. Adco ADDCO Admiral Toys Adriance, Platt & Co. ADT Advance Doll & Toy Advanced Products Aero Flyer Aero Mini Aero Model Co. Aerogiocattoli Aetna Afros-Fe Co. AGL AHA AHI (Azrak Hamway International) Ahmco Products Air Flow Industries Airfix Airline Co. Airosol AJS Akro Agate Co. AL-Toys Alabe Crafts Aladdin Alamo Iron Works Alasya Albersdorfer & Bergmann Albert Feigl Aldan Alden Novelty Alessi Models Alfa All American Co. All American Games Co. All American Toy All Western Plastics Co. All-Fair All-Fair Inc. Alladin Allen Toy Co. Allied and Home Foundry Allied Metal Industries Allied Mfg. Allyn/K & B Almar Metal Arts Alps Alterscale Althof Bergmann Aluminum Boats & Canoes Amar Toy AMB Ambro Amco American American Can Co. American Co. American Crayon Co. American Flyer American Metal American Motion Toy American National American Novelty American Pencil Co. American Precision Products American Preschool Co. American Sales American Screen Co. American Symmetroscope Co. American Thermos American Toy and Furniture Co. American Toy Co. American Toy Products American Toy Works American Wringer Co. AMF Amherst AMI Amico Amoskeag Amsco AMT Aluminum Model Toys AN Anchor Buggy and Carriage Co. Andes Andes Andia, Paris & Bruxelles Andre Citroen Andreas Fortner Andy Gard Animate Toy Anthony Bros. Anything Toys Aoki Toy Aoyagi AR Autajon and Roustant Arcade Archer Plastics Architectural Model Materials Arco Arcor ARD Ardilla ARG Argo Aristo-Craft Aristoplay Arliss Armand Ferre Armator Armstrong & Brewster Arnold Art Metal Works Art Wood Toy Artcraft Metal Products Arthur Shaw Co. Artop Artoy Arvin Asahi ATC Asahitoy/Ichiko ASC Aoshin Aster Astor Astra Astro Mfg. ATD ATM Aluminum Model Toys Atwood Auburn Australian Author Shaw Co. Auto Wheel Coaster Co. Auto-Dux Auto-Remero Automatic Radio Automatic Toy Co. Automatic Toy Works Avery Aviva Axtell Expression Ayres Azcarate Huns y Escoda B & B B & O B & W B-W Molded Plastics B. B. Korn B. C. Co. B.B. Korn B.M. Scott B.S.K. Babco Baby Barry Co. Baby Sewing Machine Co. Bachmann Bros Backstein Builders Bailey Baldwin Baltimore Bandai Bank Mfg. Co. Banner Toys Bantam Banthrico Bar Zim Toy Baranger Motion Baravelli Barclay Barr Bassett-Lowke Bauer & Krause Baumgarten & Co. Baums Metals Co. Bay State Bayshore BCM Bebii Becker Beckley Ralston Beggs Behrend & Rothschild B&R Bel-art Bell Bell (Belloni) Bell Products Co. Bell Toy Co. Belleville Stove Works Berger & Medan Berkenkamp & Schleuter Bernstein Co. Bilber & Son Biller Bilz-em Toys Bing Binghamton Metal Corp. (BMC) Binney & Smith Birchtoy Birkenhead Bissell Blazon Bliss Blomer & Schuler B&S Blue Bird Blue-Box BNTC Bob Baker Bob Crane Bobbs-Merril Co. Bolgar Bomard Bonds Bongo Board Bonhop Bonnie Built Co. Book of Knowledge Boomaroo Toy Borgfeldt Boucher Bouquet Bowman Boycraft Boyds Bradley Bradley & Hubbard BRAL Bramwell Stokes Bremer Bremer & Bruckmann Brevete Brewer and Armstrong Breyer Brice Toy Novelty Inc. Bridgeford & Co. Bridgeport Metal Goods Bright Ind. Co Bright's Brightlite Brightwood Brimtoy Brinkman Engineering Co. Britains British Brown and Bigelow Brown Jr. Brownie Bru Jne & Cie Brubaker BSA Buccaneer Buck's Stove & Range Co. Buckeye Buckman Buddy L Buddy Lee Budgie Budson Co. Budwill Buessing Buffalo Commons Creation Buffalo Toy & Tool Buffalo Toys Built-Rite Bullmark Buntline Burbank Toys Burdette-Murray Co. Burnett Burnham Buroughs Enterprise Burrell Burrowes Bush Mfg. Co. Butch Marx Butler Bros C & K C & M Enterprises C & R Toy C-K Co. C. G. Bush & Co. C. G. Wood C.A.W. Novelty Co. Ca-Ju Cabaret Me Cadaco-Ellis Calistoga Co. Callen Mfg. Calwis Calwis Industries Cameo Cameo Doll Co. Cameron Camtoy Canco Canistogo Co. Capp Enterprises Cappel Mac Donald & Co. Capri Car Mascots Cardinal Rubber Cardini Carette Carl Frei Waldkirch Carl Quehl Carl Toy Carlisle and Finch Carnell Mfg. Carnival Toys Carousel 1 Carpenter Carrom Carruthers Carter Carzol's Casige Cass Cass Toys Cass Toys/Wilkins Cassa Castelli CAW Novelty Co. CC Wood Cecil Coleman Celrite Chad Valley Chaffee & Selchow Chaika Challenger Chamberlain & Hill Champion Chance Mfg. Charbens Charles A. Bailey Charles L. Russell Charles Richtel Charles Roitel Charles Rossignol (CR) Charles Stadden Charles V. Belnap Charles Williams Charmore Co. Charteroak Checkercraft Cheddar Chein Cherilea Cherokees Cherry's Chicago Apparatus Co. Chicago Coin Chiko Childcraft Education Corp. Childs and Smith Atherstone Chilion Chilton Chime Toy China CHR Chris Craft Chris Smith Christensen Agate Co. CHUN YEE Chunn Chum Church & Dwight CIJ Cincinnati Industries CK Japan Clarence Young Clark Mfg. Classic Cast Classic Construction Models Classic Enterprises Classic Tin Toy Classy Products Clayton Bailey Cleveland Toy Cleveland Welding Co. Clipper Clown Toy Mfg. Clyde Clymer-Dixon & Co. Cocomalt Co. CODEG Cohn Colark Ship Model Builders Collegeville Costume Collinson & Sons Colmor Colorforms Colossal Colson Columbia Columbia Teddy Bear Mfg. Columbian Columbian Novelty Co. Coma Comet Toys Commodities Corp. Commonwealth Plastics Corp. Commonwealth Utilities Co. Community Playthings Community Toy Concept Condor Conestoga Co. Converse Conway Cooper Brothers Co. (Jensen) Cor-Cor Coral Corcoran Corgi Courtenay Courtland Coventry Cowboy Jr's Inc. Cowdery Cox CR/Charles Rossignol Cragstan Craighead Crandall's Crawford Crayola Creative Playthings Crescent Cress Crest Specialty Corp. Cromwell Crosby Crossman Crown Toy Crunden Martin Mfg Co. Cruver Cunningham Cushman Custom Industries CY D Andre D. A. A. Buck D. A. Pachter Co. D. B. Clark D. P. Clark D. Sebel & Co. D. Sebel Co. D.P. Harris D.R.G. D.S.K. D.T.C. Da-Myco Products DAB Dabs & Co. Dahiachi Daihatsu Daishin Daisy Daiya Dakin Dallaire Dana Dandy Dankin Danya Darling Dart David O. King David Sherrell Davidson Davies Charlton Daya Daytime Dayton DBS DCMT De Luxe Game Dean's Rag Book Co. Deborex Decca Dehanes Dekto Delahaye Delfino Dell Toys Delong Delphos Bending Co. Delta Detroit Deluxe Reading Deluxe Toy Co. DeMoulin Bros. Denia Dent Dent Ideal Novelty DeSalle Collector Trucks Design Fabricators Detroit Stove Works Dewitt Speed Craft Diaya Dietz Digger Dijon Dingling Bros. Dinky Disney Distler Divco DLT Corp. Doepke Doll & Co. Doll et Cie Doll Toys Dollcraft Dolly Toy Co. Dominion Press Don Edmunds Don Lewis Donahay Donalson Dooling Bros. Door of Hope Doret Co. Dorfan Dornier Doshinsha Co. Dover Toys Dream Guitars Dresden Dressler DRGM Drudge Drueke Drum DSK DTC (Daito) Dudley Works Duncan Dunwell Durable Toy and Novelty Durham Duro Mold Duro Novelty Co. DUX Dux, Markes and Co. Dyna Model Dyna-Jet E. E. Fairchild E. Irving Roger Jr. E. M. Roche E. S. Lowe Co. E. Salva Mane E. Seibold E. T. C. E. Trask E.A. Havens E.F. Lefevre E.G. Selchow E.I.C.O. E.J. Kahn & Co. E.T.C. E.T.C.R. Eagel Pencil Co. Eagle Toys Earl Stanhope Eatonia EBO Eccles Brothers Eclipse Eclipse Frick Econolite Ed's Specialty Edison Edison Giocattoli Edmond Falure Edmunds Metzel Edouard Henry Phali Bois Educational Crafts Educational Novelty Co. Edward Mobley Eegee EF Tuddy Effanbee EGE Einfalt Einson Freeman Co. EKI Elastic Tip Co. Elastolin Elastolin/Hausser Elastolin/Lineol Eldon Eldon Trumm ElecToy Electric Coding Machine Co. Electric Game Company Electro Elektoy Elektra Toy & Novelty Co. Elenee Elf Elgin Elgo/Halsam Elliot Hickory Elmar Elna Elto Elvin Elvin Product Ely Cycle Co. Ely Mello-Tone Mfg. Embossing Co. EMD Emenee Emerich Emerson Emmert-Hammes & Co. Emmets Empire Empire Metal Ware Corp. Empire Plastic Corp. Emporium Spec. Enesco Engman-Matthews Enid Blyton's Enterprise Enterprise Mfg. Co. Ernst Plank Ertl Eska Estrella ET Co. ETAB Molie Etco Ethan Allen Euc. Brisset et Cie Eureka Evans Everhard Everife Everlast Toys Evinrude Excel Excelo Excelsior Exelo Exoto Expert Doll & Toy Co. EZY Bilt F & F Mold F. J. France F. R. Fageol F. Sauquillo F.B.A Industries F.G. Dolls F.L. Childs Co. F.S.C. F.V French Fageol Walkee Fairy Craft Fairylite Faith Mfg. Co. Falk Fallows Famus Fandor JK Co. Farmer Electric Maps Faulk Favorite Stove Co. Fawcett Publications Inc. FDY Co. Feco Federal Federal Buster Co. Ferbedo Fernand Martin Fewo Fischer Fisher Price Fishlove Fishlove & Co. Flair toys Flare Craft Flare Toys Fleet line Fleischaker & Baum Fleischer Fleischmann Flexible Flyer Foden Fontaine-Rigot Forster Forster Bros. Four Star Fox Foxy Toys Framroze Bros. Francis, Field & Francis Frankonia Frantz Frason Fred Green Fred Greene Fred Thompson Frederick & Charles Fredric Greer Co. Freeport Toy Freidag Frejus French Fretwork toy Freundlich Friend W. Smith Jr. Frier Frisbee Fritz Bueschell Fritz Horndlein Fritz Voight Zirndorf Fritz Voit Frog FSC Fuchs Fukuda Fulgarex Fulton Toys Fun Craft Corp. FUN-E-FLEX Fun-Ho Funtastic Funtime FV G & J Lines G. de Andreis G. De Andries & Cie G. Felsenthal & Sons G. Leonardi Gabriel Gail Gakken Gale Galter Products Co. Gama Gama/Joustra Gama/Schuco Gamaichi Game Makers Games Industries Gant Hall Gardner Gardner and Welch Garibaldi & Co. Garland Toys Garrett Garrett Rubber Co. Garton Gasguy Gaston Gateway Gatewood Gaultier GBC Toy GBN Gebr Gebruder Einfalt Gebruder Fewo Gecevo GEE Toy Gefle Gege Gem Toy Gendron Gene Gregory General Electric General Metal Toys General Phonograph Mfg. Co. General Toy Products Genie Genola Geobra Geographia Georg Kohle Georg Levy (Gely) George Borgfeldt George Brown George E. Sherman George K. Garrett Co. George Levy (Gely) George Zimmerman Co. Geppert & Kelch Gerald Wingrove Gerard Gerard Model Works German Ges. Gesch Gescha Geyper Gibbs Gibralter Co. Gibson Gilbert Gilmour Gilson Giocattoli Giordani Giovenale Girard Gisea Gladen Enterprises Glascock Bros. Glen Dimension Glenn Smith Globe Biltwell Glolite Gluck Mfg. Co. GMP Golden Gate Gong Bell Gormully & Jeffery Greppert & Kelch Greppert & Kelch G & K Gresham Grey Iron Greycraft Grimland Co. Grimm & Leeds Grobes Gropper Guiterman Gulliver Gund Gunthermann Gunthermann/Distler Gurney Refrigerator Co. Gysin & Heinimann H & H H & R H Japan H. B. Smith Co. H. Davis & Co. H. L. Judd Co. H. Paufler H. T. H.A. Lozier H.F. & Co. H.P. H&B Hachette Haddon Haderthauer Hadson Hafner HaHa Toys Hahn Mfg. Haig Halco Hall & Stafford Hall's Hallam Hallmark Halogen Halsam Ham Fisher Hamilton Hamilton Steel Products Hammerer & Kuhlwein HK Handrich Handy Andy Handy Mfg Co. Hannover Hans Eberl Hans Prottengeier Happynak Harcraft Harley Davidson Harmonic Reed Harmony Toy Co. Harris Harrison Hartland Hartwig & Vogel Hasbro Hausser Heller & Coudray Henry James Banks & Sons Henry Wallwork & Co. Hess Hess & Dynamobil Hill Brass Co. Hoch & Bechmann Hoch & Beckmann Hockswender Hoenes Hoge Hong Kong Horikawa S.H Hornby Howard HP HRD Hubbell Hubley Hugh R. Chambers Hull & Stafford Hull Mfg. Huntley, Boorne & Stevens Hustler Toy I. B. & Co. I.Y. Metal Toys Ichida Ichiko Ideal Illco Toys Ingap Ingersoll Irwin Issmayer Italian Italy ITO Ives Ives, Blakeslee & Co. Ives, Blakeslee & Williams IY metal toys J L Hess J. & E. Stevens J. Barton Smith J. F. Delahaye J. F. Dille Co. J.A.F. (Jouets et Automates Français) Jacob & Co. James Fallows Jane Francis Japan Jaymar Jefe JEP Jouets de Paris JML Jouet Magnin de Lyon JNF Jo-Han Joe Lowe Corporation John Harper John Hill & Co. (Johillco) John Wright Jones & Bixler Jouet Francais Joustra (Jouet de Strasbourg) JRD Jumeau K & B K A K Co. (Ohta Kasaburo) K Japan K R Simon K Toys K.F.S K.S.K. K.T K.Y K&D K&O Ka Birk & Co. KA Japan Kahn Toy Co. Kaiser & Rex Kalon Corp. Kaname Sangyo (KS) Kang Yuan Kansas Toy Kanto Kapowwe Karl Bub KBN Karr Range Co. Kato Katz Kay Bojesen Kay Toys KB KDP Keim & Co. Kellerman CKO Kellermann/Arnold Kelsey and Co. Kemp Toys Kemtron Products Kenton Kerr Stove Co. Keystone Kiddies Metal Toys Kikaitaiso Kilgore Kindler & Briel Kindt King Features Syndicate King K King-Seeley Kingsbury Kismet Hess KKS Klotz Mfg. Knapp Electric Ko Ko Mo Stamp Metal KO Yoshiya Kobe Koen & Patton Kohler (GNK) Kohner Kohno Kazuzo Kokomo Kokyu Kolner Kono Kakuzo Korbuly Korn Koshibe Kosuge KSG Kouno Kovap Koyo KPD Kraemer Toy Krajewski Kraus Krause Krauss Krauss/Mohr Co. Krieger Novelty Co. Kriegsfeld KRN Kroehler Mfg. Co. Kronheim Krueger Krupp KS KSG KSK (Shinsei Kogyo) KT KT/CK KTS KTSK Kunstlerschutz Kuramochi CK Kyosho Kyser & Rex L. Button & Co. L. Hermann L. Roy L.B. L.M. Eddy Mfg. L.S.M. L'Arbre à Pain L'Autopède La Hotte St Nicolas La Isla Toys Lackawanna Mfg. Lady Ranges Laing Lakeside Toys Lambert Lang Craft Larry Dyer Lehmann Leigh & Crawford Les Paul Leslie-Henry Lesney Li'l Beaver Liberty Lil Beaver Lincoln International Lincoln Logs Lincoln Toys Lindstrom Line Mar Lineol Lines Bros. (Tri-ang) Lionel Little American Maid Little Giant Radio Co. Little Wonder London Toy Lorraine Novelty Lupor M toys M.D. Stebbings Mfg. Co./Chilion Majco Mamod Manoil Mansei Toys (Haji) Marklin Martin Martinian & Larnaude Marusan (San) Marx Mason & Converse Mason & Parker Master Caster Masudaya (Modern Toys) Matarazzo Matchbox Mattel McCoy McDowell McLoughlin Bros. Mead Cycle Co. Mecavion Meccano Mechanical Novelty Works Meier Melvisto Novelty Co. Memo Mengel Playthings Merit Metal House Metal Masters Metalcraft Mettoy Meyer MFZ Michael Seidel Midgetoy/A & E Tool and Gage Co. Mikuni Miller-Simons Milton Bradley Minic Minnitoy Mizuno ML MM Co. Modern toys Mohr & Krauss M & K Moko Morgan Labs Inc. Mount Fuji Co. MS Brandenburg MT Mt. Penn Stove Works MTU Mueller Muller & Kadeder Multiple Products Murray N. N. Hill Brass Co. Naito Shoten Co. National National Products National Sewing Machine Co. National Sewing Machine Co. (Vindex) National Toy Nazionale Giocattoli Automatica (INGAP) Neff-Moon New Haven Clock & Watch New Haven Watch & Clock Co. Nichols Nicol & Co. Nifty Nikko Nishimura SN No Manufacturer Noma/Cameo Nomura T.N Northwestern Products Co. Norton-Honer Nu-Age Products Nursery Rhyme Action Toys Ny-lint Occupied Japan Ohio Art Ohlson & Rice Orobr Orr Painter Osaka Toy Institute Ostby & Barton Otaco Limited Co. (Minnitoy) Overland Models P.T. Cazzoll Vehicle Art Pac-A-Lite Mfg. Co. Pacific Playing Card Co. Paris Mfg. Park Plastics Parker Brothers Paya Pelham Peter Puppet Playthings Petite Rosalie Pez Philadelphia Stove Works Phillips and Buttorff Pinard Plaything Pleasantime Pacific Game Pocher Popy Co. Pratt & Letchworth Pressman & Co. Pride Lines Proctor-Raymond Co. Product Miniature Pyro Pyro Plastics R & R Toy Co. R Craft Radiguet Radio Flyer Ralston Ralstoy Ranger Steel Rapaport Bros. Reading Cycle Co. Realistic Toys REBB Register Bank Co. Reliable Plastics Remco Renwal Republic Tool & Manufacturing Reuhl Revell Rex Bicycle Co. RH Toys Rich Toys Richard Toys Richter Rico Right-Time Toys Righter Mfg. Co. Robbins Co. Robert Wybo Robert's Rochester Cycle Rogers Frontier Inc. Rogers/Razor Sheffield Romco Rosebud Art Co. Rosko Roullet et Decamps Roy Rogers Enterprises Rundle Rushton Co. S & K S & S S-N Co. S. and J. Fuller S. L. Allen & Co. S. S. Adams S.K.K. S.N Nishimura S.P. Co. S&H Saalheimer & Strauss Saalheimer Co. (Salco) Sakai Seisakuho SAN Sanei Sanyo Saunders Toy Co. Scale Models Scalextric Scene in Action Corp. Schaper Schieble Schneider Schoenhut Schoenner Schonau & Hoffmeister Schuco Schwarz Schwinn Scott-Atwater Seiberling Seix y Barral Selchow and Righter SFA SFBJ Shawnee Shelby Bicycle Co. Shepard Hardware Shields Shimer Shimmer Shinsei Shioji Shoten SSS Shonk Works American Can Co. Shudo Sidway Topliff Sieberling Simmons Wilson Simon & Halbig Skoglund & Olson Slik Toy Smith & Egge Smith Miller SON A1 Toys Spain Spanish Spears Products Spesco SSS Stahlwood Toy Starkie Steelcraft Steha Steiff Steiner Stephens Products Co. Steven Mfg. Co. Stevens & Brown Stock & Co. Strauss Streater Structo Sturditoy Sun Rubber Superior Superior Toy Sutcliffe Suzuki Suzuki & Edwards (S & E) Suzuki and Edwards (S & E) Swan Hill Sweden SY Toys Sydenham & McOustra T BRO'S T N T-N Co. T. Cohn T. Connelly & J.F. Bickell T. Southard T.M T.M. T.N T.P.S. Taiyo Takatoku T.T Tanaguchi TKK Tatsuya (KTS) Taylor & Barrett Techno Technofix Ted Toy Teeswater Tekno Tete Jumeau Tiger Electronics Tip Top Tipp & Co. Toledo Metal Wheel Tomiyama Tonka Tootsietoy Toplay TPS Topper Topper / Deluxe Reading Topps Toschi Toy Kraft Inc. Toymaster TPS Transogram Tru Mode Tru-Scale Tucher & Walther Turner U S Zone Germany U. S. Metal Toy U.S. Hardware Unger Union Stove Works Unique & Unity Cycle Co. Unique Art Universal Toy & Novelty Co. Usagiya Vacumet Vertaco Vichy Victor Victory Industries Vincente Lincares Faventia Voltamp W. S. Reed W.P. Walker & Crosby Walt Disney Enterprises Walt Disney Productions Warren Co. Warren Paper Watrous Weeden Welker & Crosby Wells Brimtoy Wen-Mac Wendan Western Flyer Wham-O Wilkens Wilkins Wilkins/Kingsbury William Britain William Crawford & Sons William Reed Winzeler Wolverine Woodette Wyandotte Y Co. YA Yano man YM Yano man YM/Cragstan Yone Yonezawa Yoneya SY Yoshiya KO Zax Zep Zimmerman Zimmermann Zirndorf ZZ