Antique Toys Library

James Bond Multiple Briefcase

James Bond Multiple Briefcase, 1960’s, With Booby trap Briefcase exploding cap devise. The built in hidden gun fires from the press button on the case outside. The latches work to unlock the case as designed. ¶Dagger: Plastic flexible dagger with 007 logo 3D molded in raised letters original.¶Walther (plastic) Pistol: Is original and complete The gun fires plastic red bullets with serious velocity The gun has the typical gold logo.¶Scope: Is original with normal minor wear has original sticker.¶Silencer: Is original high quality.¶Sniper Shoulder Stock: Original and in good condition¶Rifle Extension in good condition.¶Bullets: Are complete set of all (12) and high quality.¶Bond Code Book: The original Bond Code Book. The cover housing, booby trap exploding cap device all are good condition. Has complete and original decal and writing paper pad.¶Code Book Pencil: Has the original pencil with accurate the 007 logo.¶Code-O-Matic: Is the original Code-O-Matic secret code and decoding device. In good working condition with original paper.¶Wallet: with red film secret logo screen that activates/decoded the business/calling cards.¶Business/Calling Cards: (4) cards that all have the disappearing 007 logo.¶Passport: original¶Money: A complete set of high quality.

Manufacturer: No Manufacturer Year: 1960's Category: Misc. Material: Plastic
